KFI Cuttack

KFICC Bhubaneswar Study Centre


Krishnamurti Foundation India, Cuttack Centre (KFICC) is situated in the city of Cuttack, in Odisha, India. It was affiliated to Krishnamurti Foundation India (KFI) in 2003. Prior to that, since 1979, it functioned under the name, Self Education Trust (SET). Ever since its formation, it has aimed to awaken the human mind to a quintessential question: ‘What are you doing with your life?’ The question contains the flame of its own inquiry. In its entirety, KFICC intends to keep alight that flame of exploration through dissemination of the teachings of J. Krishnamurti. KFICC has an operational office with a Study Centre and an auditorium. There are recurring audio-visual programs as well as interactive discussions conducted by KFICC. The office also promotes sale of Krishnamurti’s works and translation of his original English books into Odia, the official language of the state. 

In 2019, KFICC opened another Study Centre-cum-library in the adjacent city of Bhubaneswar (KFI Bhubaneswar Study Centre). Some of the scheduled activities, there, include Krishnamurti dialogues, screening of Krishnamurti videos, and workshop sessions. On the whole, both the study centres of KFICC intend to create a viable environment for self-learning. The possibility of a new mind blossoms! KFICC’s motto is embedded in what J. Krishnamurti proclaimed about the purpose of creating a ‘Krishnamurti Study Centre’:

This is not a place for romanticists or sentimentalists. This requires a good brain, which does not mean an intellectual but a brain that is objective, is fundamentally honest to itself, and has integrity in word and deed.”            

(J. Krishnamurti, January, 1984)

Krishnamurti Foundation India

Purighat Road, Upper Telenga Bazar

Cuttack (Odisha), India 753009 (Email: kficuttackcentre@gmail.com)


KFICC Bhubaneswar Study Centre


Shailashree Vihara, Bhubaneswar, India 751021 (Email: kficuttackcentre@gmail.com)



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Annual Theme Conclaves, 2015 - 2022: Held annually

These workshop-based conclaves create platforms where participants stay together for a few days in natural surrounding in a spirit of self-exploration. We reflect on: “See what happens when the brain is completely still. See what happens.” (J. Krishnamurti)


Odia translation of Commentaries on Living, First Series


Ceremonies and Conversion

K - The repetition of chants, of words and phrases, puts the mind to sleep, though it is stimulating enough for the time being. In this sleepy state, experiences do occur, but they are self-projected. However gratifying, these experiences are illusory.

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By R.E. Mark Lee

“The significance of a so-called “Process” lay not so much in our understanding of it but that it was a link Krishnamurti had with a universal energy beyond the mind and the normal energy of intelligence.”

Secondary literature

I Was So Happy, Calm and at Peace (chapter 2)

“On that first day while I was in that state and more conscious of the things around me, I had the first most extraordinary experience. There was a man mending the road; that man was myself; the pick-axe he held was myself; the very stone which he was breaking was a part of me. The tender blade of grass was my very being and the tree beside the man was myself. I almost could feel and think like the road mender, and I could feel the wind passing through the tree, and the little ant on the blade of grass I could feel". (P. 32)